
Waves and Currents-7

  • Author: Dr. Jacob Das
  • ISBN: 978-93-92801-27-3
  • Edition: First
  • Publisher: Five Fingers
  • Rating:

Summary: Waves & currents is a series of General Knowledge book, for grade I to VIII. This book has been written keeping in mind across all boards. This book is thoughtfully designed with relevant attractive images to kindle the flame of knowledge amongst our young future citizens. School going to graduating students are not aware of our past and have very little idea of their own country. hence take very little pride leading to lack of patriotism respect and love for the inherited culture sacrifices values. Students are not introduced nor enough importance is given to this subject rather it must be the mother of all subjects General Knowledge. The prime motto of reintroducing the general knowledge in a creative manner is to impart a Must know information and facts. This series will act as a knowledge bank in a strategic cumulative form to the world of fascinating and amazing facts. Sports to science digital world to discoveries and inventions world leaders and personalities reformers from world of music art dance film entertainment cartoons and writers. Amazing places with historic information both from far and near facts have been included. Few topics have been purposely repeated But always with more facts and clues with deeper understanding and clarity of facts. Every book also silently introduces to the world of languages and helps the student to have more stock of words leading to word power. After every couple of chapters students and teachers will enjoy the quiz.
Every lesson ends up with some interesting facts and information. The Brain Teasers Brain Twisters have been complemented which will instill the young minds to explore and seek more information. The silver line of this series is the contents of every lesson to be used as worksheet. to make the class practice over it to disseminate knowledge other than just quizzing. The young brains will find the same text materials as a memory game sheet to have Fun and Leam either discussing or while playing in small groups with family and friends. Such games will incite the students to remain active and inquisitive. The contents can be assimilated in form of sheets not only to test, but to share some interesting facts related to persons, place, inventions, discoveries and variety of crucial data will surely ignite both the young and old minds. Our past started from wanderers, food gatherers to hunters food growers. Now, we must become gatherers of authentic data, information and fact to verify and enrich ourselves with the overflowing nectar of knowledge through this series Waves & Currents. Meanwhile, we appreciate and await for your mail in the form of feedback suggestions corrections and what you wish to see in our future editions.